Welcome to the FIFTH year of the South Austin Inner Lights Pathfinder Club. It doesn’t seem all that long ago when we were still in year ONE. We have met many new people (and sadly said good-bye to others) over the years, joined evangelism programs, responded to community crises, slept in a zoo, visited the beach, collected fossils on the backside of a dump, went camping, hiking and backpacking, “slept” through torrential rains and lightning, bridged a creek, baked a cake or two, eaten dozens of pizza tacos and developed life-long friendships. As we embark on the fifth year of the SAIL Club, it is a particularly exciting time to be in Pathfinders. The International Pathfinder Camporee will be next summer in Oshkosh, where we will have the opportunity to meet with some 36,000 other Pathfinders from around the world, and learn what Daniel has to teach us about remaining Forever Faithful. Remember, the first SAIL meeting is Wednesday, August 28, and Induction is Sabbath August 31. Take a look through the updated SAIL website, check the calendar for upcoming events, and get your uniform pressed and ready (no, don’t tell your Mom to do it; do it yourself!). Here’s looking forward to the best SAIL Pathfinder year yet! (Did I mention we are FINALLY doing archery this year?)
SAIL Pathfinders, Forward... March!