This was the first time in three years the SAIL club was back out on the boats for the clean-up, and we worked Starnes Island both above and below the shoreline. More than two dozen SAIL Pathfinders and staff worked their way over the island, picking up a years worth of trash and leaving the natural environment much the better for it. Below the water, two other staff members made their way along the bottom of the lake, collecting cans, bottles, cups, sun glasses, and the hood off a riding mower (the rest the mower was stuck too deep in the muck to budge).
We concluded the cleanup with a dip in the lake, and a lunch and raffle for all the volunteers. This was another successful service project, and a good opportunity for the members of the club to work together. Thank you to all who participated (and to the parents who had to get up so early to bring their youth to the meeting points).
Psalms 24:1 reminds us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” We are here on a planet created by God, a home made for us by God. It is our privilege to live here, and thus our responsibility to care for the earth around us. One of the commitments of the SAIL Pathfinder Club is a commitment to service; to “be a servant of God and a friend to man.” Service is a part of what it means to be a Pathfinder, and service to God relates to more than traditional outreach and mission work (in which the SAIL Club also participates), but also the respect and care of God’s creation, from the earth around us to our own minds and bodies.
“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31)