Even though the Pathfinder year matches the school year and not the calendar year, the past 12 months have been a whirlwind for the SAILs, so here is a short visual review of some of what we have done throughout 2024.
The SAILs held their final meeting this year, enjoying fellowship, snacks, and hand making Christmas Cards to distribute to our Church family. Its been a busy first half of the Pathfinder year. We have gone camping, kayaking, practiced rescue drills, learned about rivers and bridges, designed and built (and destroyed) bridges, joined a program to help feed and cloth the homeless community, made nearly 500 individual tamales, led church services, joined a camporee, practiced drill, and many other things. And things aren't done yet - we have our next club campout coming up over the New Year break, off to the coast for a few days. We would like to thank all the Pathfinder families, all our supporters and volunteers, the dedicated Pathfinder staff, and of course the great attitude of the Pathfinders themselves. We are looking forward to new adventures in 2025.
The SAIL Pathfinders had a full weekend, leading a church service, going on a hike, visiting a reenactment of the Biblical Bethlehem, serving the homeless community, and making tamales for our annual fundraiser. We began by heading up to Granite Shoals to lead the church service at the Highland Lakes church. The Pathfinders planned and led the service, marching in, leading the songs, providing the children’s story, and delivering the message. Once again, our four TLTs prepared a series of sermonette’s, delivering a message inspired by our participation in the International Camporee earlier this year. Other Pathfinders led the song service, offered prayer or scripture reading, served as ushers, and ministered to the church’s children. After a nice lunch, we headed off, got changed, and went hiking at the Inks Dam National Fish Hatchery. Growing among the granite boulders, we saw several species of cacti and xeric ferns, as well as a couple of lizards. The Pathfinders enjoyed the sunny afternoon, relaxing on the rocks, taking in the view, and watching the vultures as they soared and circled above. We also observed Inks Dam, which impounds Inks Lake. This adds another dam we have visited this year as part of our study of Dams and Levees. After the hike, it was off to the Main Street Bethlehem, an annual program put on by the First Baptist Church in Burnet that recreates what life was like in Bethlehem a the time of Jesus’ birth. The Pathfinders had the opportunity to talk with the actors, learn about life in the past, see the crafts and skills, and visit a recreation of the manger. That night, it was back to Austin to begin the prep work for our tamale fundraiser. First thing in the morning Sunday, many of the pathfinders headed off to Austin to participate in the homeless outreach, helping set up and distribute food, clothing, and other necessities. The Pathfinders had a chance to take an active role in serving others, and enjoyed their conversations with those coming for a bite or a warm sweater. Then it was off to make tamales - all told we made 40 dozen tamales. This was the first time we have made tamales for a fundraiser, and we want to send a special thank you to all the families and volunteers who came to help and to teach the Pathfinders how to make the tamales. For most, this was their first experience making what is a common Christmastime (and any-time) food here in Texas. This was a busy weekend, the last major activity of the year. We are already looking forward to our upcoming January trip to the coast, and want to thank all the families, friends, and supporters of the SAIL Pathfinder Club.
February 2025