Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:
“Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?”
Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV)
As Pathfinders we are called to service, to mission. We are not just a group that gets together to go camping, not just a place for kids to have fun with friends doing crafts or hiking. The Pathfinder Club provides a Christian environment where youth can enhance their relationship with God, and serve others; fulfilling the two great commandments, Love God, Love your neighbors. This past weekend, many of the SAIL Pathfinders learned disaster preparedness with the Adventist Community Services, and one of the youth even completed their training to serve as a registered volunteer in times of need. Our theme at our club Christmas party last December was service, and we made disaster relief kits to donate to ACS for their work (and interestingly, at the training over the weekend, it was one of the kits made by one of the SAIL Pathfinders that was used as the example). Below you will see reports of other service projects. many of the pathfinders also volunteer on their own, or with the Church food pantry, or working A/V or participating in the service at church, or helping lead Vacation Bible School. It is a joy to see the youth eager for service, and I ask you all to encourage them as they share God's love through their actions!