We had a great time at the Camporee this year, the weather cooperated (the wind only nearly removed the kitchen) and the speakers and message were excellent. Total attendance was 4150! Below are just a few pictures from the Camporee, including the wonderful Cross Country Ski Race.
We had a wonderful time at the Texas Camporee over the Easter weekend. We will update more on the activities and experiences but I wanted to share right away the wonderful Sabbath program, and the decision and baptism of four of the SAIL Pathfinders at Lake Whitney Ranch. All of heaven rejoiced as each of our four Pathfinders, along with nearly 20 others, answered the call of God working through the Holy Spirit in their hearts to follow Jesus, and were baptized right there on the Lake Whitney Ranch property. Later in the afternoon, they were presented to the crowd of over 4000 Pathfinders and staff, who cheered their public display of faith.
We held our third annual SAIL Pathfinder Club campout Feb 24-26 at Pedernales Falls State Park. The Junior Unit set up base camp just above one of the nature trails, the Senior Unit backpacked into the wilderness camping area. After a near freezing night (but resplendent with stars) the units met together for Church Sabbath morning, crossing the river to reach the rocky shores for a talk about "blowing the horn," and watched related skits performed by the Pathfinders. After a haystack lunch together, the units split up again. Over the weekend, the Senior Unit focused on orienteering, went on a scavenger hunt for some hidden soup, and took a few cross-country shortcuts. The Junior unit focused on tracks, trails, and trail markers, cast animal tracks, and tried to calculate the width of the river using triangles. It was great having a campfire again, after the past few years of burn bans. The weekend was topped off with a Baptism in the river.
February 2025