This weekend we will host the 2014 Austin Chiliad, the Olympiad of Vegetarian Chili. The pre-competition vespers program begins at 6:00PM Sabbath, followed by an evening of good-natured competition, flaming hot chili, and soothing corn bread and brownies. Funds raised will assist the SAIL Pathfinders attend the 2014 International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this summer.
The SAILs sent two teams to the 2014 Pathfinder Bible Experience area event in San Antonio this past weekend. More than 20 teams participated this year from around Central Texas, assessing their knowledge of the book of II Samuel. One of our teams came in with a third place finish, the other recognized for participation. Although neither of our teams will move on to the Texas Conference level event, we are already beginning to prepare for next year, when we will be reviewing the book of Matthew.
This weekend we will host the 2014 Austin Chiliad, the Olympiad of Vegetarian Chili. The pre-competition vespers program begins at 6:00PM Sabbath, followed by an evening of good-natured competition, flaming hot chili, and soothing corn bread and brownies. Funds raised will assist the SAIL Pathfinders attend the 2014 International Pathfinder Camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin this summer.
New Pathfinder Year Right Around the Corner Its time for a new Pathfinder Year!
A few dates to mark down on your calendar: Sunday, August 19, 10:00-12:00 - Club Registration (If you cannot attend registration, please contact the Director or Deputy Director so we can get your information. We need to have all registration materials complete by the end of August.) Wednesday, September 5, 6:30-8:30 pm - First SAIL Club meeting for the 2012-2013 Pathfinder Year Sabbath, September 29 - Youth Sabbath and Pathfinder Induction October 4-7 - Southwestern Union Pathfinder Camporee Sabbath, February 2 - Area Level Pathfinder Bible Experience (Acts and 1&2 Thessalonians) Time to start preparing for next year! The books for the Pathfinder Bible Experience are Acts, First Thessalonians and Second Thessalonians. Begin reading one chapter a day now, and you will easily memorize it all before February. Remember to use the New King James version, and remember to study the commentary introduction for each book (links to PDFs of the commentaries can be found here on the PA Pathfinder article on the PBE). We had three teams this year, lets see if we cant get the whole club involved next year. |
November 2024