He began by commending all the Pathfinders for committing so much of the book of Matthew to memory. Stating that he had never seen such a collection of high scores in a PBE event, he challenged each Pathfinder to go share what they’d learned. Each one now knows the story of Christ’s life on this earth and this is a story that should be shared with the world. This is more valuable than where you place at this event, he shared.
The teams were called in alphabetical order, starting at the end of the alphabet. This left even more time for the SAIL Pathfinders to wait anxiously for the news. And then, “Austin South SAIL’s- Second Place!” Not the first place everyone had hoped for, but a very good job none the less.
The SAIL Pathfinder Club is very proud of our Pathfinder Bible Experience team for making it to this level. We are looking forward to next year and another opportunity to go even further!