We have gotten off to a busy start this year, and things don’t look to be letting up anytime soon. The service work out in Bastrop was greatly appreciated, and there will be additional opportunities to help out further not only in the fire-damaged areas, but around the nation and the world. Our underwater Pathfinder meeting was an interesting break from the norm - for those who have not completed their Beginner, Advanced Beginner and Intermediate Swimming honors, we may have some opportunities coming up - please let one of the staff know if you are interested, and we can get some small groups together to work on that. For the Senior unit, note that Intermediate Swimming is a prerequisite for the Sailing honor, and I know Jerry is eager to take folks out on the AquaFinns. I am sorry I wasn’t able to join in the Let’s Move day, but it was a long commute from Beijing. Nonetheless, thank-you to all those who turned out, and I hope that you don’t stop with just one day of exercise and healthy living, but make this a habit.
This Wednesday, October 5, is our next Pathfinder meeting. Remember to wear your field uniform, but bring your dress uniform for inspection. We will have some time for IA classwork, and review some of the camping skills ahead of the weekend overnight camping trip, as well as arrange the tent assignments and everyone’s favorite KP schedule. We will also be practicing for the special October 8 youth Sabbath program and Investiture. The church service will be a combined Pathfinder and Adventurer program, the formal beginning of the new Austin Anchors Adventurers (AAA!). After the church service and Adventurer Investiture, we will head out to the Peckham ranch for Sabbath afternoon activities, and an outdoor evening SAIL Pathfinder Investiture program. The Investiture program is the formal welcome of new members into the SAIL Pathfinder Club, and serves as a time for all members to renew their commitment to the club, to the ideals of Pathfinders, and to live by the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. Due to the ongoing drought, we will not be lighting a fire this year for Investiture, but will have different ways to light up the evening.
After the investiture program, we will remain out at the Peckham ranch for an overnight campout to practice camping skills and some of the Central Texas Camporee events. have you been practicing your knots? There are six to learn and practice -Square Knot, Sheet Bend, Double Sheet Bend, Surgeon's Knot, Fisherman's Knot, and the dreaded European Death Knot. Don’t wait for us to show you each. Check out a knot book at the Library, or surf over to Animated Knots by Grog (http://www.animatedknots.com/) to get a head start and some practice time at home. Everyone still has their rope, right? You haven’t let the cat shred it yet, have you? It is also a good idea to review your First Aid, and know the basic identification and treatment of some of the common outdoor injuries. We will be practicing some basic first aid skills, and emergency stretcher construction. For the junior Unit, we will be baking bread on a stick as part of our breakfast Sunday morning. For the Senior unit, break out those backpacking camp stoves and bring ingredients for a hearty breakfast. Be sure to offer some advice and share a stove with the new Ranger class.
Looking down the road, the north area Central Texas Honor Fair is Sunday, October 16, and will be held at the Austin South Church. The focus of this Honor Fair is health and science honors, and community service honors, but others will be offered as well. If you are interested in helping teach an honor (particularly the TLTs), let me know and we can coordinate. And coming up November 4-6 at Inks Lake State Park is the Central Texas Camporee. It is a beautiful park, and the Camporee is a great time to get together with Pathfinders from all over the area, and meet God in the great outdoors. We will need a headcount soon for the Camporee, so look at your calendars, clear off any conflicts, and let me know that you are coming.
See you all Wednesday!