The Camporee theme was “It’s My Time,” reminding Pathfinders that NOW is their time for action - in their homes, in their communities, and in the World. The Pathfinder club serves as a leadership training ground, but also as a lab; a place for the youth to practice leadership skills, problem solving, inter-personal relations, and manage responsibility. Even setting up, managing, and tearing down camp give the Pathfinders a chance to lead, work together, and solve real-world problems together.
This was also the first campout for the SAIL Pathfinder club this year. The temperature did dip rather chilly at night, but the SAILs were up bright an early, firing up the camp stoves for hot chocolate and a hearty breakfast. Sabbath provided an opportunity for all of the Pathfinders in attendance to march in a parade through the campgrounds, dressed in their full uniforms, and visibly part of something much greater than themselves or even than any individual club.